We are so honored to have you visit our website. We pray your church is thriving and accomplishing much for the Kingdom of God! If you are seeking wisdom and insight for your ministry, check out our resources and consider partnering with Paraclete Ministries. We are here to help your church reach the level of influence and blessing that God has intended.

During our consultation, we discovered we were uneasy about the future. In the pre-visit inventory, I’m sure my answers about vision for the future seems vague. Likewise during the interviews with members of the congregation, the people seemed uneasy or worried that we might leave. Thank you for helping us see that this was a church with a wonderful future. We were so battle weary from our first years of existence we had lost her vision. Paraclete helped us move forward with renewed confidence.
Definitely a reward time for me and my staff.
During our onsite visit, the Bensons helped me rediscover my first love for the church and sharpen my focus for the next five years. The results is a new energy and excitement about the future.
For the length of time you were with us, you picked up very quickly on where we were and what we needed to do.
We appreciate the great job you did. Keep up the great work!
As a part of our on-site visit, Pastor Benson provided a deacon retreat. During the tree he was able to encourage our deacons with ways that I can better demonstrate their commitment to their pastors. The church had allowed our entire pastoral staff to four will be home with the church could afford to pay them. My wife and I hadn’t been on a real vacation in over a decade. The pastoral staff was headed for serious burn out in a church that had ample history and resources to do better. The coaching week not only resulted in renewed vision and strategy for me, but also in pay raises and renewed commitment by the leader ship to care for the pastoral staff. As a bonus, my wife and I were provided some much-needed vacation time.